EPIC ministory of minecraft!!!!!!

hello everyone today we are going to talk about minecraft but in a special way... Well you see in a funny way because this if funny donkeys if you want some serious stuff of minecraft click this link
click me... well lets start our mini story I called it like that because because its short well lets start our mini story.

our story begans whith this guy

yup his this one.

hes a noooooooooooooooooooob
well thats not the point he wanted to take a shower.
butttt... the mineƧra ''people'' didnt let him soooooooo he killed them whith his dimond sworddddd
see this video its funny.

well we carry on he killed them then he took the shower...

                                                         the end...

you realy felt for that? well he went to the burger and ate discover by clicking
and then he ate another chance click me he went to his house. 
a few hours later it was nightime and discover wat happned by clicking. After that incident it came up to day. He was walking SAFETLY (remember the video) he fell in a large and deep tunel. scary hu? Well he saw a minotaur and a tragedy occured click to find out.

                                this is the real the end...
videos made by tubascus thanks for watching and compartit click like for more